The first step in landing on the metaverse

By virtual business space to extend the physical space, analyze customers behaviors. cross-industry alliance. analysis customers behavior.


Characters and scenes choosing


Analysis for the interaction with AI characters


Omnichannel and cross-platform

Characters and scenes choosing

Provide multiple original characters and scenes, and each character is able to interact with customers in Mandarin, English and Japanese. We make it more flexible and convenient to building the metaverse.

Analysis for the interaction with AI characters

Characters are available 24/7 online for your customers, and are able to capture business behavior through conversation analysis; so that every service opportunity you have can continue from offline to online, and from online to offline.

Omnichannel and cross-platform

It can support omnichannel services; leaving the virtual world, it can broadcast through social tools, and also can maintain customer relationships. Meanwhile, it supports somatosensory, immersion glasses, and tablet cross-device activities, so that the experience of the Metaverse is not limited.
Can't find your industry? We can customize it for you.